Tuesday 15 September 2009

Work for this week 16-21 Sept

1. Go to youtube and find your video from tuesday at Coleridge

2. Paste it onto your blog. (Nick will demonstrate in tutorial both this and how to access your e-mail account from home)
3. Write a post about the techniques you learnt in Final cut, such as cutting, fading, titling and anything else you tried out. What do you think of what you produced as a first go?
4. Create another post- note down username and password today if you can't remember them!For this post i'd like you to go to the link for film openings on youtube and watch THREE of the openings, one of which at least should be from a film you have never seen. Note which three film openings you looked at and then choose ONE of the three and say what you find interesting about it as an opening- such as camerawork or setting or character or whatever- and why. Paste that opening onto your blog as well.
5. create a THIRD post. Now try some searches on youtube for student film openings- you may have to try a range of searches, such as 'AS media projects' or 'student films'. There are loads on longroadmedia but you may find other schools and colleges. Again choose one, paste it onto your blog and write about what you think the STRENGTHS and the WEAKNESSES are of the sequence.

All three posts must be complete by next Sunday evening and I shall look at them all on monday and give you feedback. Do e-mail me if there are any problems: petefraser@me.com or via the long road e-mail pfraser@longroad.ac.uk.


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